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How to create branding that truly embodies you AND connects with your dream clients.

Writer's picture: Julia FotoudisJulia Fotoudis

Updated: Jan 19, 2022

One of the biggest issues my clients complain to me about is not being able to choose branding that not only truly feels like them, but is also going to help them to attract their dream clients. There seems to be an ocean-sized gap between choosing what feels aligned with both you and your audience.

You bounce from colour palette to colour palette, use different fonts depending on what’s trending and use the most eye-catching Canva templates that you can find to see which gets the most likes on Instagram. You may have even attempted to DIY your branding or gotten a professional to design you just a logo, but you still feel like your branding lacks depth, purpose and soul.

You KNOW that you need to be consistent, but you have no idea what to choose and what to stick with to be able to reach those dream clients. Your service is life-changing and transformative, but you know that throwing spaghetti at the wall every time you try to communicate that is NOT.

If this is you, then the universe definitely brought you here! This is such a common obstacle for so many business owners, especially in the holistic and wellness space. I’ve had so many clients come to me saying “I’m not sure what I want” or have added something to our Pinterest board because it’s “pretty and I like it”.

You want to LOVE your brand. You want it to truly represent you and embody your essence. You want to choose all of your favourite colours and use that super cool vintage looking font that you love BUT you also want it to attract those dreamy soulmate clients. You want to be one of those brands that people are friggin’ OBSESSED with.

The bad news is… the trendy fonts and colours that you love may not necessarily be the right choice for your brand (sorry!). If I used every cool looking font that I love for my own branding, you probably wouldn’t even be reading this blog post because it wouldn’t have reached you. I love quirky 70’s inspired fonts and florals BUT my brand’s messaging is about clarity and alignment, so they wouldn’t convey the core purpose of my brand. The good news is, is that your dream clients are your kind of people, so feeling embodied in a brand that resonates with your audience is not as far out of reach as you think.

Next time you are having one of those indecisive moments, I want you to ask yourself THIS question…

How do you want your ideal client to FEEL when they interact with your brand?

And by interact, I mean their whole experience with you- before, during and after working with you.

We are humans and humans are emotion-driven beings. We value connection and transformation. There has been a massive energetic shift over the past few years. People are waking up and they desire healing and fulfilment. They are leaving their 9-5 jobs to pursue their passions, they are ready to do the work and heal generational trauma and rise above conditioning to live better lives.

As a healer, therapist and/or coach, you are not just here to guide people on this journey. You provide a transformation, you change lives! You help a specific kind of person to make a specific kind of change and you do this by getting to know them: what they love, value and desire. You make them feel seen and heard and make it known that their desires are within reach.

So, how do you bridge the gap between who you are and how your audience feels?

By getting to know your dream client’s feels, values and desires on a deeper level through an aligned brand strategy, you are able to clearly gauge how they are going to feel and what visuals to choose to make them feel ALL the feels and elevate your entire brand experience.

When your logo, colour palette and font suite is designed based on this (and you stick to them like glue), you are well on your way to becoming one of those stand-out, dreamy-ass, amazingly magically irresistible, impactful, LIFE CHANGING brands.

Now, I won’t overwhelm you with the entire brand strategy process today, BUT I can tell you what you can do to resonate with your dream clients, right now, while you’re sipping your afternoon matcha.

Answer these 3 questions:

⁃ Who exactly are they?

⁃ What do they value?

⁃ What motivates them?

Better yet, download the FREE Dream Client Clarifier Workbook. I sent this to a potential client who said “it’s been very illuminating!” and was so excited about it that she booked a project with me that same day.

Are you feeling SUPER inspired after filling out your workbook, but still not sure 100% on your visual identity? It's your lucky day because this is exactly what I help my clients with.

I’ve helped so many holistic business owners and spiritual entrepreneurs step into their magic with branding that they not only LOVE, but also truly embodies the heart and soul of their brand while deeply resonating with their dream clients. The clarity and confidence that they gain from finally feeling aligned with their branding has led them to an instant increase in enquires from DREAM clients and has allowed them to create lead magnets and social media content with ease and flow.

If 2022 is the year that you step into your magic with impactful branding that resonates, the time to book in a project is now.

IMAGINE announcing your rebrand and instantly having clients line up to work with you. Pure friggin magic (with some strategy and soul thrown in).

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